Friday, January 16, 2009

Nisqually River, Mineral, WA

This blog is set up to keep viewers up to date with the wandering Nisqually River

Since 2006 the Nisqually River has been aggressively meandering through the valley east of Alder Lake, taking with it cabins, homes, equipment, land, trees and resources.

Lewis County does not know what to do about the flooding, which is frustrating home and land owners in Northern Lewis County.

The Nisqually River and LB Ranch, 2007
The Nisqually River and LB Ranch, 2008
The Nisqually River and LB Ranch, 2009

A Brief History:

On November 19, 2008 I visited Lewis County's General Administration office in Chehalis, WA to inquire as to what could be done about the Nisqually River. I explained that in the past three years 2005-2008, over 100' feet of land (perpendicular to the river) has been swept away. I further explained that the river was 30 feet from a road the LB Ranch development along the river.

I was told by somone in finance (she didn't offer her name) that I should contact "Public works, at the Kresky office, they can help you more than us, were just finance."

I traveled to Public Works at the "Kresky Office" and asked to speak with someone about the Nisqually River Flooding, and the LB Ranch Homeowners Associations' land that has been swept away.

Pat Smith (at the front desk of Public Works) explained that my question was "probably a 'Fred question' but he isn't here, so why don't you check with Patti in the back, ask to see 'Ray'"

I wandered to the "back" and asked Patti Weiher if I could speak with 'Ray' (Shipman) and was told to have a seat. Less than 5 minutes later (impressive) I was summoned to Ray's office.

Ray listened to what I had to say about the River, LB Ranch Homeowners Association. Ray told me to "Visit the Army Corps of Engineers in Olympia, tell them it's an emergency."

I drove from Chehalis, WA to Olympia and stopped off for a sandwhich. While dining, I used my laptop to locate the nearest office of the Army Corps of Engineers. I discovered that there was no such office, just offices located in Seattle, WA; Portland, OR, and Walla Walla, WA.

I called the general number 360-764-3742 and again explained my story. Upon completion of my diatribe, I was told to call 206-764-3690. I dialed the new number (3690) and for the 6th time, explained the situation. I was told to call 206-764-3406.

I dialed 206-764-3406, and spoke with Public Servant number 7 of the day, Cindy. Cindy explained that I needed to talk with "the Chief".

I spoke with the Chief, explaining for the 8th time of the day, the situation with the Nisqually River, and LB Ranch. "Chief" said to me, with a questioning (not condensending) tone, "What?. Lewis County sent you up here? hu!, who did you talk to at Lewis County?"

Chief as it turns out was Paul Comerenski (sp?). Mr. Comerenski explained that dikes and levies were built to protect the area but "a few years back, maybe 10, Lewis county decided to stop maintaining the Levies." "The way it works is, we (Army Corps of Engineers) builds the levies, and it is the responsibility of the County to maintain them." If the levies fail, the Corps will come in and fix them, but since the levies have not been maintained, it is beyond our control."

Mr. Comerenski explained that his office was very busy at the time, but that he would make a trip out to LB Ranch, to view the Nisqually Damage with Eric Winters (an Army Corps of Engineers Flood Expert) early in the year.

As most readers of this are aware, we received a tremendous amount of snow, and then several days of warm temperatures and heavy rain early January, 2009. The Nisqually River once again flooded it's banks, and crept ten feet closer to Rainier Vista Drive in LB Ranch. The river is now occupying new space, and is a mere twenty (20) feet from Rainier Vista Drive.

In addition to creeping towards the road, the River also took out a greater portion of the levy close to Route 7, just south of Elbe, WA.

You are now up to date.

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